aberration station
-Spoilery SN/HA centric RP-quotebot hybrids, mod is 20+/♂/bi
-All art is official, my edit, or gifted/bought with attribution
-R15 on main, no spicier than canon-typical violence and suggestive RTs
-If it's been a few days and you want to continue something, let me know! My DMs are open for both IC and OOC interactions.
-I won't RT your pin if it's got a no-permission repost, but we can still RP.
-No art theft replies or loli/shota garbage for the love of god
(Image commissioned from Worm)

(Image commissioned from Corn)
(Image commissioned from Kos)

(Image commissioned from Dobu)
Lancer (Cú Chulainn)

The patron demi-deity of ADHD and chill.
-Activity level: ★★★★★
-Myth-heavy interpretation, draws on parts of the Ulster Cycle not seen in SN
-Lancer is Pretty Gáe for masc dudes and a lover of strong women. (R18 OK, negotiable in DMs/Discord if you're okay with glacier-slow responses)
-Lancer's got some morphological weirdness going on. Sometimes he'll make himself sprout new fingers, or extra eyes will pop out of his face. This is an artifact of his Warp Spasm, but since he's been summoned as a Lancer, it lacks the strength it normally does. He mostly uses it as a parlor trick.
-Occasionally, the eyes show up in picture form. Sprite edits for the VN sprites were generously supplied by an old friend who's moved on from RP. Sprites from FGO were awesomely edited by Rowan, whose RP accounts are here.
Caster (Medea)

The model-making magus from the Age of Gods.
-Activity level: ★★★
-More Euripedes than Golden Fleece, but both is good too.
-Infrequent mecha and figma posting.
-FHA continuity (shared worldline with Lancer and Bazett), married to Kuzuki, bi but currently not open to additional partners
-As far as Saber goes, the roots of her fixation are complicated. In Saber, she sees a girl who was forced to prove her worth by chance and ended in ruin for it, much like herself. On the other hand, she doesn't view her as a serious romantic candidate so much as a doll to dress up.
-Medea can get snippy, especially towards certain kinds of men, but that's a product of trauma. Threads touching on that trauma will be rare and warned for—this is a fairly lighthearted portrayal.
Bazett Fraga McRemitz

The God's Holder, who can only ever hold a job in warfare.
-Activity level: ★★?
-FHA Spoilers EVERYWHERE, do give the VN a spin first
-Sprites with backgrounds lovingly compiled by @botemiya mod
-Her contract with the Amazon Queen, Penthesilea, has combined with an existing contract with Lancer in order to give her full usage of her split Command Seals.
Rin TOhsaka

The Poppins of July.
-Activity level: probably more than Baz at this point lol
-UBW/FHA/Early Clock Tower portrayal, about 18
-Why did I do this to myself?
-Seriously, she has so many sprites, why did I do this to myself?
-Girl-liker online, won't take any ERP requests due to writer discomfort
-She seems to be on a reckless bond quest for a certain digital girl.

Seeker of Flames.
-It's Cas! Cas Cú from Singularity F!
-Has a strained relationship with Lancer despite being the same guy.
-Ex-puppeteer who gained the favor of a shepherd-king.
-Uses a volatile combination of runes and the hero-light from his death.
-Had a hell of a time getting here. (See the event log!)
-Squatting at the church after making a deal with its resident nun.
Medea the younger

“My love for you was greater than my wisdom." -Euripedes
-Younger Medea design from FHA, not a Lily Servant
-Mentioning Jason will reactivate her suppressed memories.
-Child muse, about 15 years old
-Has custom sprites by Passionlip mod!
Background credits
BGs from Toptal Subtle Patterns:
Baz: Shattered
Cas: Use Your Illusion
Fergus(?): Bush Pattern
Meddy: Eternal Cloth
All color adjustments are my own.
All other backgrounds are from various stock image sites.
Translation credits
Most quotes are transcripted Type-Moon fan translations of various manga, visual novel, and FGO dialogue. Thanks, Beast's Lair.
I may have snuck in a few references to other things, though, so see if you can find them!
(Rin's art was cut off, but @SovereignWands helped fill it in. Thank you!)
An imperishable time loop, iterating through Fuyuki City's infinite branching ends. A prodigious magician crafting a dangerous magnum opus, a jeweled dimension-shifting ceremonial sword. A feral warrior forging a path out of this hollow world, breaking free on his own terms. A sorceress of old intent on dragging her Master out of limbo, even if that means closing the loop for good. Bazett, who has enough power as a human to stop their reality-bending at its roots, is left with one decision...